game - определение. Что такое game
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Что (кто) такое game - определение

GAMES; GAME; Games (song); Games (disambiguation); GAMES (disambiguation); Game (album); Game (film); Games (album); Game (song)
Найдено результатов: 21159
  • [[Parcheesi]] is an American adaptation of a [[Pachisi]], originating in India.
  • checkers]] pieces.
  • Ancient Egyptian gaming board inscribed for [[Amenhotep III]] with separate sliding drawer, from 1390 to 1353 BC, made of glazed faience, dimensions: 5.5 × 7.7 × 21 cm, in the [[Brooklyn Museum]] (New York City)
  • Gaming table, circa 1735, wood and ivory marquetry, overall: 78.7 x 94 x 54.6 cm, [[Cleveland Museum of Art]] ([[Cleveland]], Ohio, US)
  • ''Playing Cards'', by [[Theodoor Rombouts]], 17th century
  • Students using dice to improve numeracy skills. They roll three dice, then use basic math operations to combine those into a new number which they cover on the board. The goal is to cover four squares in the row.
  • Courtauld nstitute of Art]] (London)
  • Children's Games]]'', 1560, [[Pieter Bruegel the Elder]]
  • ''The Card Players'' by [[Lucas van Leyden]] (1520) depicting a multiplayer card game
  • 1475–1480}}, paper with pen, ink, opaque paint, glazes, applied silver and gold, in the [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] from New York City
  • [[Tug of war]] is an easily organized, impromptu game that requires little equipment.
  • alt=
Games; Unclassified game; Single-player game; Multiplayer Games; Online multi-player gamers; Multiplayer gaming; Multi player game; Multiplayer games; Multiple players; Network gaming; Game sites; Multi player gaming; Multi-player gaming; Lan games; Network play; Multiplayer game; A game; Gaming league; Multi Player; Game rule; Physical game; Multi-player game; Multiple-player game; Multi- and single-player games; Multiplayer and single-player games
contest, match
1) to play; win a game
2) to lose a game
3) (AE) to call ('cancel') a (baseball) game
4) to throw ('purposely lose') a game
5) a close; crucial; fair game
6) a bowl (Am. football); championship; home; match (tennis); practice; wild-card (Am. professional football) game
form of recreation
7) to play a game
8) a ball; board; children's; numbers; parlor; video; word game
9) a game of chance ; a game of skill
10) to see through smb.'s game
11) (AE) a con, confidence game
tactic, strategy
12) a waiting game
13) a cat-and-mouse game
hunted animals
14) to hunt; stalk game
15) big; small game
16) (fig.) fair game ('a legitimate object of attack') (to be fair game for smb.)
17) (misc.) a game preserve, refuge
(colloq.) (BE)
18) on the game
19) the mating game (see the Usage Note for match)
  • [[Parcheesi]] is an American adaptation of a [[Pachisi]], originating in India.
  • checkers]] pieces.
  • Ancient Egyptian gaming board inscribed for [[Amenhotep III]] with separate sliding drawer, from 1390 to 1353 BC, made of glazed faience, dimensions: 5.5 × 7.7 × 21 cm, in the [[Brooklyn Museum]] (New York City)
  • Gaming table, circa 1735, wood and ivory marquetry, overall: 78.7 x 94 x 54.6 cm, [[Cleveland Museum of Art]] ([[Cleveland]], Ohio, US)
  • ''Playing Cards'', by [[Theodoor Rombouts]], 17th century
  • Students using dice to improve numeracy skills. They roll three dice, then use basic math operations to combine those into a new number which they cover on the board. The goal is to cover four squares in the row.
  • Courtauld nstitute of Art]] (London)
  • Children's Games]]'', 1560, [[Pieter Bruegel the Elder]]
  • ''The Card Players'' by [[Lucas van Leyden]] (1520) depicting a multiplayer card game
  • 1475–1480}}, paper with pen, ink, opaque paint, glazes, applied silver and gold, in the [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] from New York City
  • [[Tug of war]] is an easily organized, impromptu game that requires little equipment.
  • alt=
Games; Unclassified game; Single-player game; Multiplayer Games; Online multi-player gamers; Multiplayer gaming; Multi player game; Multiplayer games; Multiple players; Network gaming; Game sites; Multi player gaming; Multi-player gaming; Lan games; Network play; Multiplayer game; A game; Gaming league; Multi Player; Game rule; Physical game; Multi-player game; Multiple-player game; Multi- and single-player games; Multiplayer and single-player games
¦ noun
1. an activity engaged in for amusement.
the equipment used in playing a board game, computer game, etc.
2. a form of competitive activity or sport played according to rules.
(games) a meeting for sporting contests.
(games) Brit. athletics or sports as a lesson or activity at school.
3. a complete episode or period of play, ending in a final result.
a single portion of play, forming a scoring unit within a game.
4. informal a type of activity or business regarded as a game: the dating game.
a secret plan or trick: I was on to his little game.
5. wild mammals or birds hunted for sport or food.
the flesh of these, as food.
¦ adjective eager and willing to do something new or challenging: they were game for anything.
¦ verb
1. [as noun gaming] playing at games of chance for money.
2. play video or computer games.
ahead of the game ahead of one's competitors or peers.
beat someone at their own game use someone's own methods to outdo them.
the game is up the deception or crime is revealed or foiled.
game over informal said when a situation is regarded as hopeless.
on the game Brit. informal working as a prostitute.
play the game behave in a fair or honourable way.
gamely adverb
gameness noun
gamester noun
OE gamen 'amusement, fun', gamenian 'play, amuse oneself', of Gmc origin.
¦ adjective dated (of a person's leg) lame.
C18: orig. dialect, of unknown origin.
  • [[Parcheesi]] is an American adaptation of a [[Pachisi]], originating in India.
  • checkers]] pieces.
  • Ancient Egyptian gaming board inscribed for [[Amenhotep III]] with separate sliding drawer, from 1390 to 1353 BC, made of glazed faience, dimensions: 5.5 × 7.7 × 21 cm, in the [[Brooklyn Museum]] (New York City)
  • Gaming table, circa 1735, wood and ivory marquetry, overall: 78.7 x 94 x 54.6 cm, [[Cleveland Museum of Art]] ([[Cleveland]], Ohio, US)
  • ''Playing Cards'', by [[Theodoor Rombouts]], 17th century
  • Students using dice to improve numeracy skills. They roll three dice, then use basic math operations to combine those into a new number which they cover on the board. The goal is to cover four squares in the row.
  • Courtauld nstitute of Art]] (London)
  • Children's Games]]'', 1560, [[Pieter Bruegel the Elder]]
  • ''The Card Players'' by [[Lucas van Leyden]] (1520) depicting a multiplayer card game
  • 1475–1480}}, paper with pen, ink, opaque paint, glazes, applied silver and gold, in the [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] from New York City
  • [[Tug of war]] is an easily organized, impromptu game that requires little equipment.
  • alt=
Games; Unclassified game; Single-player game; Multiplayer Games; Online multi-player gamers; Multiplayer gaming; Multi player game; Multiplayer games; Multiple players; Network gaming; Game sites; Multi player gaming; Multi-player gaming; Lan games; Network play; Multiplayer game; A game; Gaming league; Multi Player; Game rule; Physical game; Multi-player game; Multiple-player game; Multi- and single-player games; Multiplayer and single-player games
I. n.
Sport, play, amusement, pastime.
Plan, scheme, stratagem, bit of strategy, enterprise, adventure, undertaking, measure.
Animals of the chase.
Quarry, prey.
II. a.
Courageous, brave, resolute, unflinching, fearless, valorous, dauntless, intrepid, gallant, heroic.
Made of game, of game.
III. v. n.
Gamble, play for money or stakes, practise gaming or gambling, be addicted to play.
  • [[Parcheesi]] is an American adaptation of a [[Pachisi]], originating in India.
  • checkers]] pieces.
  • Ancient Egyptian gaming board inscribed for [[Amenhotep III]] with separate sliding drawer, from 1390 to 1353 BC, made of glazed faience, dimensions: 5.5 × 7.7 × 21 cm, in the [[Brooklyn Museum]] (New York City)
  • Gaming table, circa 1735, wood and ivory marquetry, overall: 78.7 x 94 x 54.6 cm, [[Cleveland Museum of Art]] ([[Cleveland]], Ohio, US)
  • ''Playing Cards'', by [[Theodoor Rombouts]], 17th century
  • Students using dice to improve numeracy skills. They roll three dice, then use basic math operations to combine those into a new number which they cover on the board. The goal is to cover four squares in the row.
  • Courtauld nstitute of Art]] (London)
  • Children's Games]]'', 1560, [[Pieter Bruegel the Elder]]
  • ''The Card Players'' by [[Lucas van Leyden]] (1520) depicting a multiplayer card game
  • 1475–1480}}, paper with pen, ink, opaque paint, glazes, applied silver and gold, in the [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] from New York City
  • [[Tug of war]] is an easily organized, impromptu game that requires little equipment.
  • alt=
Games; Unclassified game; Single-player game; Multiplayer Games; Online multi-player gamers; Multiplayer gaming; Multi player game; Multiplayer games; Multiple players; Network gaming; Game sites; Multi player gaming; Multi-player gaming; Lan games; Network play; Multiplayer game; A game; Gaming league; Multi Player; Game rule; Physical game; Multi-player game; Multiple-player game; Multi- and single-player games; Multiplayer and single-player games
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
A game is an activity or sport usually involving skill, knowledge, or chance, in which you follow fixed rules and try to win against an opponent or to solve a puzzle.
...the wonderful game of football.
...a playful game of hide-and-seek.
...a video game.
A game is one particular occasion on which a game is played.
It was the first game of the season...
He regularly watched our games from the stands...
We won three games against Australia.
= match
A game is a part of a match, for example in tennis or bridge, consisting of a fixed number of points.
She won six games to love in the second set.
...the last three points of the second game.
Games are an organized event in which competitions in several sports take place.
...the 2000 Olympic Games at Sydney.
Games are organized sports activities that children do at school. (BRIT)
At his grammar school he is remembered for being bad at games but good in debates.
= sport
Someone's game is the degree of skill or the style that they use when playing a particular game.
Once I was through the first set my game picked up.
N-SING: usu poss N
You can describe a situation that you do not treat seriously as a game.
Many people regard life as a game: you win some, you lose some...
You can use game to describe a way of behaving in which a person uses a particular plan, usually in order to gain an advantage for himself or herself.
Until now, the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game.
N-COUNT: usu with supp
Wild animals or birds that are hunted for sport and sometimes cooked and eaten are referred to as game. who shot game for food.
If you are game for something, you are willing to do something new, unusual, or risky.
After all this time he still had new ideas and was game to try them...
He said he's game for a similar challenge next year.
ADJ: v-link ADJ, oft ADJ to-inf, ADJ for n
see also gamely
If someone or something gives the game away, they reveal a secret or reveal their feelings, and this puts them at a disadvantage.
The faces of the two conspirators gave the game away.
PHRASE: V inflects
If you are new to a particular game, you have not done a particular activity or been in a particular situation before.
Don't forget that she's new to this game and will take a while to complete the task.
PHRASE: v-link PHR
If you beat someone at their own game, you use the same methods that they have used, but more successfully, so that you gain an advantage over them.
He must anticipate the maneuvers of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game...
The police knew that to trap the killer they had to play him at his own game.
PHRASE: PHR after v
If you say that someone is playing games or playing silly games, you mean that they are not treating a situation seriously and you are annoyed with them.
'Don't play games with me' he thundered...
From what I know of him he doesn't play silly games.
PHRASE: V inflects [disapproval]
If you say that someone has raised their game, you mean that they have begun to perform better, usually because they were under pressure to do so.
The world No. 9 had to raise his game to see off a strong challenge from Dale...
As it expands its services around the continent, the competition it offers should force the other airlines to raise their game.
If you say the game is up, you mean that someone's secret plans or activities have been revealed and therefore must stop because they cannot succeed.
Some thought they would hold out until Sunday. The realists knew that the game was already up.
PHRASE: V inflects
  • [[Parcheesi]] is an American adaptation of a [[Pachisi]], originating in India.
  • checkers]] pieces.
  • Ancient Egyptian gaming board inscribed for [[Amenhotep III]] with separate sliding drawer, from 1390 to 1353 BC, made of glazed faience, dimensions: 5.5 × 7.7 × 21 cm, in the [[Brooklyn Museum]] (New York City)
  • Gaming table, circa 1735, wood and ivory marquetry, overall: 78.7 x 94 x 54.6 cm, [[Cleveland Museum of Art]] ([[Cleveland]], Ohio, US)
  • ''Playing Cards'', by [[Theodoor Rombouts]], 17th century
  • Students using dice to improve numeracy skills. They roll three dice, then use basic math operations to combine those into a new number which they cover on the board. The goal is to cover four squares in the row.
  • Courtauld nstitute of Art]] (London)
  • Children's Games]]'', 1560, [[Pieter Bruegel the Elder]]
  • ''The Card Players'' by [[Lucas van Leyden]] (1520) depicting a multiplayer card game
  • 1475–1480}}, paper with pen, ink, opaque paint, glazes, applied silver and gold, in the [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] from New York City
  • [[Tug of war]] is an easily organized, impromptu game that requires little equipment.
  • alt=
Games; Unclassified game; Single-player game; Multiplayer Games; Online multi-player gamers; Multiplayer gaming; Multi player game; Multiplayer games; Multiple players; Network gaming; Game sites; Multi player gaming; Multi-player gaming; Lan games; Network play; Multiplayer game; A game; Gaming league; Multi Player; Game rule; Physical game; Multi-player game; Multiple-player game; Multi- and single-player games; Multiplayer and single-player games
·noun Crooked; lame; as, a game leg.
II. Game ·noun To play at any sport or diversion.
III. Game ·vi Sport of any kind; jest, frolic.
IV. Game ·vi Animals pursued and taken by sportsmen; wild meats designed for, or served at, table.
V. Game ·adj Having a resolute, unyielding spirit, like the gamecock; ready to fight to the last; plucky.
VI. Game ·adj Of or pertaining to such animals as are hunted for game, or to the act or practice of hunting.
VII. Game ·vi In some games, a point credited on the score to the player whose cards counts up the highest.
VIII. Game ·vi The use or practice of such a game; a single match at play; a single contest; as, a game at cards.
IX. Game ·noun To Rejoice; to be pleased;
- often used, in Old English, impersonally with dative.
X. Game ·vi A scheme or art employed in the pursuit of an object or purpose; method of procedure; projected line of operations; plan; project.
XI. Game ·vi That which is gained, as the stake in a game; also, the number of points necessary to be scored in order to win a game; as, in short whist five points are game.
XII. Game ·vi A contest, physical or mental, according to certain rules, for amusement, recreation, or for winning a stake; as, a game of chance; games of skill; field games, ·etc.
XIII. Game ·noun To play for a stake or prize; to use cards, dice, billiards, or other instruments, according to certain rules, with a view to win money or other thing waged upon the issue of the contest; to Gamble.
  • [[Parcheesi]] is an American adaptation of a [[Pachisi]], originating in India.
  • checkers]] pieces.
  • Ancient Egyptian gaming board inscribed for [[Amenhotep III]] with separate sliding drawer, from 1390 to 1353 BC, made of glazed faience, dimensions: 5.5 × 7.7 × 21 cm, in the [[Brooklyn Museum]] (New York City)
  • Gaming table, circa 1735, wood and ivory marquetry, overall: 78.7 x 94 x 54.6 cm, [[Cleveland Museum of Art]] ([[Cleveland]], Ohio, US)
  • ''Playing Cards'', by [[Theodoor Rombouts]], 17th century
  • Students using dice to improve numeracy skills. They roll three dice, then use basic math operations to combine those into a new number which they cover on the board. The goal is to cover four squares in the row.
  • Courtauld nstitute of Art]] (London)
  • Children's Games]]'', 1560, [[Pieter Bruegel the Elder]]
  • ''The Card Players'' by [[Lucas van Leyden]] (1520) depicting a multiplayer card game
  • 1475–1480}}, paper with pen, ink, opaque paint, glazes, applied silver and gold, in the [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] from New York City
  • [[Tug of war]] is an easily organized, impromptu game that requires little equipment.
  • alt=
Games; Unclassified game; Single-player game; Multiplayer Games; Online multi-player gamers; Multiplayer gaming; Multi player game; Multiplayer games; Multiple players; Network gaming; Game sites; Multi player gaming; Multi-player gaming; Lan games; Network play; Multiplayer game; A game; Gaming league; Multi Player; Game rule; Physical game; Multi-player game; Multiple-player game; Multi- and single-player games; Multiplayer and single-player games
A game is a structured form of play, usually undertaken for entertainment or fun, and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are different from work, which is usually carried out for [and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements.
  • [[Big-game hunting]]
  • A kitchen interior with a maid and a lady preparing game, c. 1600
  • Game birds at [[Borough Market]] in [[London]]
  • Roe deer
  • Bobwhite quail, an important North American gamebird
  • "The Hunters at Rest" by [[Vasily Perov]], 1871
  • White-tailed deer
  • A hunter and local guides with his kill, 1970
Wild game; Game animal; Game animals; Game (meat); Small game; Game meat; Gamey; Game (food); Game shooting; Quarry (prey); Quarry (hunting); Game (animal); Quarry species
¦ adjective variant spelling of gamy.
  • [[Parcheesi]] is an American adaptation of a [[Pachisi]], originating in India.
  • checkers]] pieces.
  • Ancient Egyptian gaming board inscribed for [[Amenhotep III]] with separate sliding drawer, from 1390 to 1353 BC, made of glazed faience, dimensions: 5.5 × 7.7 × 21 cm, in the [[Brooklyn Museum]] (New York City)
  • Gaming table, circa 1735, wood and ivory marquetry, overall: 78.7 x 94 x 54.6 cm, [[Cleveland Museum of Art]] ([[Cleveland]], Ohio, US)
  • ''Playing Cards'', by [[Theodoor Rombouts]], 17th century
  • Students using dice to improve numeracy skills. They roll three dice, then use basic math operations to combine those into a new number which they cover on the board. The goal is to cover four squares in the row.
  • Courtauld nstitute of Art]] (London)
  • Children's Games]]'', 1560, [[Pieter Bruegel the Elder]]
  • ''The Card Players'' by [[Lucas van Leyden]] (1520) depicting a multiplayer card game
  • 1475–1480}}, paper with pen, ink, opaque paint, glazes, applied silver and gold, in the [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] from New York City
  • [[Tug of war]] is an easily organized, impromptu game that requires little equipment.
  • alt=
Games; Unclassified game; Single-player game; Multiplayer Games; Online multi-player gamers; Multiplayer gaming; Multi player game; Multiplayer games; Multiple players; Network gaming; Game sites; Multi player gaming; Multi-player gaming; Lan games; Network play; Multiplayer game; A game; Gaming league; Multi Player; Game rule; Physical game; Multi-player game; Multiple-player game; Multi- and single-player games; Multiplayer and single-player games
Brit. athletics or sports as a lesson or activity at school.
a meeting for sporting contests.
  • [[Parcheesi]] is an American adaptation of a [[Pachisi]], originating in India.
  • checkers]] pieces.
  • Ancient Egyptian gaming board inscribed for [[Amenhotep III]] with separate sliding drawer, from 1390 to 1353 BC, made of glazed faience, dimensions: 5.5 × 7.7 × 21 cm, in the [[Brooklyn Museum]] (New York City)
  • Gaming table, circa 1735, wood and ivory marquetry, overall: 78.7 x 94 x 54.6 cm, [[Cleveland Museum of Art]] ([[Cleveland]], Ohio, US)
  • ''Playing Cards'', by [[Theodoor Rombouts]], 17th century
  • Students using dice to improve numeracy skills. They roll three dice, then use basic math operations to combine those into a new number which they cover on the board. The goal is to cover four squares in the row.
  • Courtauld nstitute of Art]] (London)
  • Children's Games]]'', 1560, [[Pieter Bruegel the Elder]]
  • ''The Card Players'' by [[Lucas van Leyden]] (1520) depicting a multiplayer card game
  • 1475–1480}}, paper with pen, ink, opaque paint, glazes, applied silver and gold, in the [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] from New York City
  • [[Tug of war]] is an easily organized, impromptu game that requires little equipment.
  • alt=
Games; Unclassified game; Single-player game; Multiplayer Games; Online multi-player gamers; Multiplayer gaming; Multi player game; Multiplayer games; Multiple players; Network gaming; Game sites; Multi player gaming; Multi-player gaming; Lan games; Network play; Multiplayer game; A game; Gaming league; Multi Player; Game rule; Physical game; Multi-player game; Multiple-player game; Multi- and single-player games; Multiplayer and single-player games
1) to hold games
2) war games
3) the Commonwealth; Olympic; summer; winter games
  • [[Parcheesi]] is an American adaptation of a [[Pachisi]], originating in India.
  • checkers]] pieces.
  • Ancient Egyptian gaming board inscribed for [[Amenhotep III]] with separate sliding drawer, from 1390 to 1353 BC, made of glazed faience, dimensions: 5.5 × 7.7 × 21 cm, in the [[Brooklyn Museum]] (New York City)
  • Gaming table, circa 1735, wood and ivory marquetry, overall: 78.7 x 94 x 54.6 cm, [[Cleveland Museum of Art]] ([[Cleveland]], Ohio, US)
  • ''Playing Cards'', by [[Theodoor Rombouts]], 17th century
  • Students using dice to improve numeracy skills. They roll three dice, then use basic math operations to combine those into a new number which they cover on the board. The goal is to cover four squares in the row.
  • Courtauld nstitute of Art]] (London)
  • Children's Games]]'', 1560, [[Pieter Bruegel the Elder]]
  • ''The Card Players'' by [[Lucas van Leyden]] (1520) depicting a multiplayer card game
  • 1475–1480}}, paper with pen, ink, opaque paint, glazes, applied silver and gold, in the [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]] from New York City
  • [[Tug of war]] is an easily organized, impromptu game that requires little equipment.
  • alt=
Games; Unclassified game; Single-player game; Multiplayer Games; Online multi-player gamers; Multiplayer gaming; Multi player game; Multiplayer games; Multiple players; Network gaming; Game sites; Multi player gaming; Multi-player gaming; Lan games; Network play; Multiplayer game; A game; Gaming league; Multi Player; Game rule; Physical game; Multi-player game; Multiple-player game; Multi- and single-player games; Multiplayer and single-player games


Game (disambiguation)

A game is a recreational activity with a set of rules.

Game or games may also refer to: